Frequently Asked Questions

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal uses laser light to target the pigment in the hair follicle and destroy the cells around the follicle, causing the hair to fall out in 10-21 days after treatment. Hair growth occurs in three stages, with hairs being in different stages at different times. The lasers can only target hair that is in the active growth stage which is why several treatments are required in order to target all the hairs when they are in the active growth phase. Because the laser targets the pigment in hair, it is ineffective in treating white, grey, or blonde hair.


Is laser hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal results in 90-95% permanent reduction of the hair present during a series of treatments. While the hairs that were in the treated area during the series of treatments will not come back, it is always possible to have new hair growth due to your body’s hormone changes and time. The laser will permanently destroy the hair follicles that are present during the treatment time period, but since your body may produce new hairs in the future, touchups may be needed in the years following your treatments.


How many treatments are needed to remove of all my hair?

Depending on how your hair reacts to the treatments it can take between 6-12 treatments to achieve between 90-95% reduction in hair. Touch up treatments may be needed over time.


Is laser hair removal painful?

Some people experience mild discomfort while receiving treatments. However, our lasers are equipped with a Cryogen cooling spray that automatically sprays onto your skin milliseconds before the laser pulses, reducing your discomfort by cooling your skin before the laser heats it.


What are the risks associated with laser treatments?

All skin reacts differently to different laser treatments. Although short term erythema (redness), edema (swelling), purpura (bruising), and blistering are common clinical endpoints noticed after specific laser treatments, there is a rare risk that the skin will not heal itself properly causing long term or sometimes permanent results. There are also risks of hyperpigmentation (skin turning darker) and hypopigmentation (skin turning lighter) from laser treatments that can last anywhere from a few weeks to a year, and although rare, can be permanent.


What are the pre/post treatment instructions for laser hair removal?

All areas to be treated for laser hair removal need to be clean shaven the day before your treatment. Care should be taken to stay out of the sun for a week prior to and a week after treatment for laser hair removal. For other laser treatments, it is recommended that you stay out of the sun and discontinue use of sunless tanning products for four weeks before and after laser treatment. This will reduce the risk of hyper/hypopigmentation from occurring.

Also, discontinue use of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, and fish oil supplements for a week before all laser treatments as these may increase the likelihood of bruising. Avoid waxing, tweezing, threading, and the use of dipilatories 4-6 weeks prior to laser hair removal treatments and throughout the course of treatments.

Always use sunscreen on the treated areas daily after treatment.


What can I expect my skin to look like after a treatment?

Everyone’s skin reacts differently to laser treatments, however, here are some general guidelines as to what to expect after treatment. When receiving treatments for laser hair removal, treated skin may react with redness and swelling. Some people may experience itching over the treated area as well. These reactions usually go away within 2-4 hours, with the possibility of lasting a day or two or even a week in some cases.

When receiving treatment for sun spots, the pigmented areas will appear darker immediately after treatment and then crust over within a few days. Care should be taken to keep the area moisturized, protected with sunscreen, and undisturbed. The crusted area will eventually fall off on its own to reveal skin that may be lighter than your skin tone. Your skin will even itself out over the next few weeks after treatment.

After vein treatments, the treated area can react with redness, swelling, and bruising that can last up to three weeks. As the bruising fades, the vein will also fade gradually for 4-8 weeks after the treatment.


Can your lasers be used on all skin types?

Yes, our Candela GentleYAG laser can be used on all skin types for laser hair removal. vein removal and skin tightening. However, treatment for vein removal, skin tightening, sunspots, wrinkle reduction, and rosacea is not recommended for people with darker skin types (Fitzpatrick scale IV-VI) at the risk of pigment changes to the skin.


Can you treat tanned skin?

For laser hair removal, we can treat skin that is tan, but not skin that has recently been tanned or is sunburned. Thus, you would need to stay out of the sun for a week prior to treatment and a week after treatment. For all other laser services, skin should not be tanned within four weeks before or after treatment to reduce the risk of complications and increase the effectiveness of the treatment.


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